Own A Restaurant? How To Care For Your Kitchen Ceiling Tiles


If you own a restaurant, you know that you need to keep the kitchen clean and sanitary. But, you might not realize that part of the cleaning involves the ceiling tiles. Kitchen ceiling tiles can get quite dirty. In fact, they can develop a layer of dirt, grease, and lint. Allowing those substances to remain on your ceiling tiles can create an unhealthy environment in your restaurant kitchen. If health inspectors identify unsanitary conditions on your kitchen ceiling tiles, they can refuse to sign-off on your inspection. Here are four steps you can take to protect your kitchen ceiling tiles. 

Keep the Dust Away

If you have ceiling tiles in your commercial kitchen, you need to keep the dust away. Dust is more than unsightly. It's a health problem. That's because dust can drop from the ceiling into the food you're preparing. The best way to stop that from happening is to keep the dust off of your ceiling tiles. You can do that with your commercial vacuum. Simply vacuum your ceiling tiles at least once a month to keep the dust away. 

Remove the Dirt and Grease

If you have a busy commercial kitchen, chances are good that your ceiling tiles collect a lot of dirt and grease. If that's the case, you need to have your tiles cleaned at least once a year. Professional cleaning services will remove all the dirt and grease, leaving your tiles looking brand-new. You can also keep your tiles looking clean by removing small grease stains as soon as they develop. You can remove tiles stains by using a commercial cleaning solution. 

Avoid Painting Your Tiles

If your kitchen ceiling tiles have seen better days, you may be tempted to give them a fresh coat of paint. That's the worst thing you can do. Painting might cover the dirt and grease. But, the paint is going to set you up for problems you might not have thought of. Painting your ceiling tiles can remove fire-resistant properties. Not only that, painting your kitchen ceiling tiles can void the warranty. If your tiles are dirty, don't paint them. Hire a cleaner instead. 

Replace Damaged Tiles

Finally, if your kitchen ceiling tiles become damaged, don't leave them in place. Instead, replace them as soon as possible. Leaving damaged ceiling tiles in place can create a safety hazard for your kitchen staff. First, damaged tiles may fall to the ground, causing injuries to your staff. Second, damaged tiles could harbor mold spores. Damaged tiles are no longer able to keep moisture out of the fibers, which increases the risk of mold. Avoid the risk. Replace damaged tiles right away.

For more tips, reach out to a company like New Ceiling Tiles, LLC.


4 August 2020

a checklist for creating a safe industrial workplace

How safe is your industrial workplace? Do your employees have all of the safety equipment they need to safely do their jobs every day? Are dangerous areas clearly labeled? Are the emergency exits visible from different areas of the workplace? There are many elements that go into keeping an industrial workplace safe, so it can be difficult to know if you have every element covered. Visit our site to find a checklist that can help you walk through your building and check for every possible safety measure that could be put in place. It is my hope that the information provided will help you and your employees avoid serious injuries.