3 Options For Treating Produced Water


Produced water is the water that is created by gas and oil production. All of that water has to be treated before the water can be reused. There are a few different options for treating produced water. Three ways to treat produced water include media filtration, absorption, or oxidation.

#1 Media Filtration

Media filtration is a safe way to get rid of oil, grease, and the other byproducts that get into water used in the oil and gas industry. The water is filtered through different materials such as walnut shells, sand, and anthracite coal. This is a great process because it doesn't take a lot of energy to filter out the debris from the water. However, you do need a large vessel for this process. Depending upon what you are trying to filter out of the water, you may also need to use chemicals as well.

#2 Absorption

Absorption is another way to treat produced water. It is an effective way to remove heavy metal from your water and to recover most of the water that was used in the oil and gas process. A variety of materials are used to absorb the oil and gas in this process. Common adsorption products include activated carbon, activated alumina, zeolites, and organoclays. These materials are great at removing things such as manganese and iron. The absorption materials used allow the chemical usage to be kept to a minimum or not used at all.

The downside of the absorption process is that the material used to absorb the containments often eventually has to be disposed of or treated with chemicals because the absorption material itself gets contaminated. This then creates a liquid waste product known that then has to be treated and dealt with as well.

However, the upside of this process is that you are able to recover a high percentage of the water used in the oil and gas process.

#3 Oxidation

Oxidation is a process that used things such as oxygen, chlorine dioxide, and chlorine to treat the water. The oxidation agents that are used in the process helps get rid of both inorganic and organic compounds from the water used in the oil and gas process. Once the water goes through the oxidation process, a post-treatment is used to remove the oxidized particles from the water.

This process requires the use of a chemical metering pump. The chemicals used in the process, when used in large quantities, can be expensive to use over time.

When it comes to treating produced water from oil and gas operations, there are numerous ways that you can treat the water. Three methods that you could use include a media filtration set-up, an adsorption process, or an oxidation process. Contact a company like ProSep for more information and assistance. 


7 August 2018

a checklist for creating a safe industrial workplace

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