Three Types Of Life Support Systems And The Amazing Things They Do


Life support systems provide a variety of functions, but they are also very unique to the environments in which they are installed. Installation for life support systems in three, very real and very unique environments highlight what these systems can do and are capable of. Those examples follow.

Life Support Systems for Water Environments

Life support systems for water environments, such as the numerous aquariums at Sea World, highlight the unique needs of supporting life under water. These systems have to filter and clean the water, test it for just the right amount of salinity (when applicable) and provide healthy additives to the water that will keep fish and water mammals from becoming ill and dying. The system has to be continuously monitored to make sure it is working properly, it can handle the water pressure and flow from the tanks and that it does not leak.

Life Support Systems for Space Environments

Space is devoid of breathable air and warmth. It is a complete vacuum that can literally suck the life out of you while making you implode. For that reason, the life support systems on space rockets and on the international space station all have to be carefully calibrated to produce enough breathable air for the expected number of persons aboard and for the duration that the astronauts or cosmonauts will be there. These life support systems not only work to provide an adequate amount of breathable air, but they must also make the air and the internal environment warm enough to sustain human life.

Life Support Systems for Biosphere Research Labs

Scientists who volunteer to enter Biosphere 1 an Biosphere 2 research labs enter environments that are completely cut off from the rest of the world (except for technology and other life forms inside the pods). The life support systems in these encapsulated worlds have to support the human scientists there as well as plants and other living creatures which have been brought into the pods for study. (It has been suggested that this very type of environment will one day be the kind built on other planets.)

In fact, the initial reason for building these encapsulated worlds was to study the effects of enclosed environments on people, plants and living creatures.The scientists inside these pod worlds are responsible for maintaining the life support systems. Otherwise they would find that they could not survive and the research would have disastrous and faulty results.


28 February 2017

a checklist for creating a safe industrial workplace

How safe is your industrial workplace? Do your employees have all of the safety equipment they need to safely do their jobs every day? Are dangerous areas clearly labeled? Are the emergency exits visible from different areas of the workplace? There are many elements that go into keeping an industrial workplace safe, so it can be difficult to know if you have every element covered. Visit our site to find a checklist that can help you walk through your building and check for every possible safety measure that could be put in place. It is my hope that the information provided will help you and your employees avoid serious injuries.