Keeping Visitors Safe During A Tour Of Your Sewage Treatment Plant


If you are a wastewater plant manager, and you decided to open up your plant to the public for touring purposes, precautionary steps will need to be put into action to keep those visiting safe. Many will benefit from finding out how their water supply is handled during a tour. Making sure your visitors are learning in a safe atmosphere will be key to a successful program. Here are some tips you can utilize to make your tours free of potential risks to the public.

Give Recommendations To Tour Groups In Advance Of A Trip

It is best to require groups to make advance arrangements for a visit of your sewage treatment plant. This will allow you to provide them with a list of recommendations in advance of their visit so they are safe while walking through the facility. Ask visitors to wear skid-resistant soled shoes and to come dressed in comfortable clothing that they are not worried about becoming soiled. Consider providing ponchos and flashlights to those visiting for their safety and comfort. Print up name tags with the group information for each visitor to wear so employees will be able to help those wearing one if necessary.

Make Navigating The Facility Easy For Tour Members

It is important to have clearly marked areas within your plant so those visiting do not walk away from the proposed route. Place signs upon walls every few feet indicating the path those visiting are to follow. Maps can be printed out and handed to each tour attendee at the beginning of their excursion so they do not find themselves in a restricted area. These also make great mementos to reflect upon the visit later.

Provide An Employee For The Tour To Keep Visitors Safe

It is best to have someone within the facility available to walk with those touring the premises. They will be able to provide visitors with facts about the steps used in treating water and they will be able to answer any questions about the process if necessary. This person will also be able to inform those in the building which areas are off-limits and will make sure not to bring them near any open pits or hazardous spots.

Use Chains, Signs, And Cones To Indicate Unsafe Areas

Make sure any spot people use for viewing wastewater procedures has signs in place specifying the actions taking place. These will be beneficial in helping those learn about the process as well as give them a landmark should they happen to get off the pathway while on the premises. Chains can be hung to keep visitors out of dangerous areas and cones can be placed to indicate they should be careful while in that particular spot. Traction tape should be placed on floors near water vats to ensure slipping does not occur.


17 October 2016

a checklist for creating a safe industrial workplace

How safe is your industrial workplace? Do your employees have all of the safety equipment they need to safely do their jobs every day? Are dangerous areas clearly labeled? Are the emergency exits visible from different areas of the workplace? There are many elements that go into keeping an industrial workplace safe, so it can be difficult to know if you have every element covered. Visit our site to find a checklist that can help you walk through your building and check for every possible safety measure that could be put in place. It is my hope that the information provided will help you and your employees avoid serious injuries.