3 Key Considerations Concerning Hose Fittings


Hoses and fittings are commonly used in many different applications today. From plumbing fixtures to vehicles and beyond, you will often see them just about everywhere you turn. However, many people aren't aware of all the different specifics that come into play when choosing fittings. To help you better understand more about the different fittings and hoses on the market today, take a look at the information below when trying to choose the one for your application.

Hoses and fittings come in an assortment of sizes.

One of the main components of the hose and fitting industry is being able to create products that are based on the customer's specifications. Thanks to different materials and finishes, fittings are compatible with just about every type of fluid out there. Different fittings might have lower permeation, while others might be able to handle fluids that are more aggressive. Regardless of whether you need hose fittings to move biofuel, gasoline or something else, there is a product that is going to work from you.

You have to think about the overall weight.

One of the things that you have to think about when choosing a fitting is the overall weight of what the product is going to be used for. If you are performing a plumbing repair for example, you would have to think about the weight of the water going through the pipes at any point in time. If you were doing a repair on a vehicle, the weight is going to change significantly, meaning you would need something that could withstand more pressure.

Scratch-resistant coatings.

Depending on the overall application, you might want to look for a fitting that can withstand a lot of wear and tear. If you are installing fittings around the brake lines on your vehicle, you need something that is flexible and composed of a stainless steel or other durable material. The stainless steel can expand under the immense pressure in your vehicle, which is huge. A rubber tubing could end up breaking from all the excess pressure and weight, so you have to take that into consideration when choosing your hoses and fittings.

By taking the time to think about the things above, you can save yourself time, hassles and headaches. Every application is going to require something different. Your best bet is to spend time going over your options with a specialist who can point you in the right direction.


24 February 2016

a checklist for creating a safe industrial workplace

How safe is your industrial workplace? Do your employees have all of the safety equipment they need to safely do their jobs every day? Are dangerous areas clearly labeled? Are the emergency exits visible from different areas of the workplace? There are many elements that go into keeping an industrial workplace safe, so it can be difficult to know if you have every element covered. Visit our site to find a checklist that can help you walk through your building and check for every possible safety measure that could be put in place. It is my hope that the information provided will help you and your employees avoid serious injuries.