Your Septic System Prefers Basic Toilet Paper Over Luxurious Products


As the owner of a property with a septic tank, you know you should flush only a very limited number of materials down the toilet or you risk causing problems. Those materials include organic waste, white toilet paper, a small amount of septic-safe toilet cleaning solution and packets of friendly bacteria to help keep the system working properly.

In addition to this strategy, choosing certain types of toilet paper can help keep the system functioning effectively and allow you to schedule less frequent tank pumping and cleaning. Your system also should need less frequent pumping if people using the toilet flush as small amount of paper as possible.

Choosing Better Biodegradability

Thick, soft paper is appealing for its comfortable texture and strength. However, some of the top brands are known for problems with biodegradability in septic tanks. When technicians open the tank after only a year or two, they see a bulky layer of toilet paper on top that should only have accumulated after many years of use. 

It's probably intuitive when you think about it. You're not supposed to flush paper towels or facial tissue when you have a septic tank. When toilet paper is strong enough to use as a paper towel, that's a problem.

Using one-ply and less-textured products prevents excessive paper accumulation in the tank. In general, you'll probably find that avoiding brands with descriptive words such as ultra, plush, quilted or lotion is better for your septic system. Choose plain old ordinary bath tissue instead. 

Testing Biodegradability

You can easily get an idea of how well various brands of toilet paper break down in the tank by simply putting some of the paper in a container of water. Swirl it around occasionally over a few days' time and see how quickly it comes apart. From then on, buy the brands that degrade relatively quickly and avoid those that are still intact several days later.

Cutting Back on Paper Flushing

Only the most dedicated persons will be willing to put their used toilet paper in a plastic-lined wastebasket rather than flush it. Some individuals and families do this, however -- at least for the less aromatic used paper. Throw the tightly closed bag into the main garbage every day or burn the paper. 

If you don't want to go this route, you can still limit the amount of paper that gets flushed by asking everyone to use the wastebasket for toilet paper used in actions such as makeup removal, nose blowing and mopping up water around the sink.

Concluding Thoughts

By treating your septic system with tender loving care, you can keep it running effectively and safely with less frequent pumping and cleaning. That includes avoiding brands of toilet paper that are marketed as the most luxurious imaginable. For more information about taking care of your septic system, contact a company such as Southern Sanitary Systems Inc.


28 April 2015

a checklist for creating a safe industrial workplace

How safe is your industrial workplace? Do your employees have all of the safety equipment they need to safely do their jobs every day? Are dangerous areas clearly labeled? Are the emergency exits visible from different areas of the workplace? There are many elements that go into keeping an industrial workplace safe, so it can be difficult to know if you have every element covered. Visit our site to find a checklist that can help you walk through your building and check for every possible safety measure that could be put in place. It is my hope that the information provided will help you and your employees avoid serious injuries.